Saturday, 5 March 2016


I made these little tubs of SmartPak supplements a while ago, but I don't think I have shared them here yet. Since I'm pretty proud of them, I decided to take a few photos lit by the quickly-setting winter sun.
From top left: SmartVite Thrive Senior Pellets, SmartFlex III Resilience Pellets, SmartFlex Rehab Pellets, SmartCalm Ultra Pellets, SmartShine Ultra, SmartLytes

My iPhone doesn't take the greatest of photos, but I think these turned out mostly clear and ~70% legible. Once my printer is fixed, I plan to make more. Even model horses need help staying in perfect health!

SmartPak SmartLytes

Each label is printed on plain paper, then roughly cut out and stuck to packing tape. Then I use a ruler and exacto knife to precisely slice each square. After that, it's a simple matter of using some Mod Podge to glue the labels on the containers.

The rear label of the SmartLytes.I wonder if this could be incorporated into an endurance setup...

I want to say I picked up the package of containers at Dollarama, but it may have been somewhere else. Either way, anything shorter than 2"/5cm should work. For the supplements themselves, I filled the buckets with various things - salt, hot chocolate powder, finely ground bran cereal, and some pelleted rabbit food. I don't actually own a rabbit, so instead of buying a whole bag, I just got a scoop at bulk barn. No need to break the bank over such a small prop, right?

Yum! But what about treats?

Hopefully some of you are inspired to make yourself a few feed products - they're really fun, and often good quality packaging images are available on company websites. The next time I return home, I hope to write up a post on stall toys.

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